
Posts Tagged ‘Inertia’

Audio Version:  LOTUS III – The Practice

In Part II of this Series, we discussed how the act of Conscious Creation frequently produces the opposite of the desired result.  This begs the question – if the most common result of ‘creating’ our life is to produce the opposite effect of what we desire, is there a way we can change this result? 

Essentially, our brain and body has a wonderful built-in mechanism that creates habits out of routine thoughts, actions, and feelings.  This mechanism allows us to talk, play musical instruments, type on a keyboard, tie our shoes, and it even controls our breathing, heartbeat, immune system functions, assimilation of food, hormone production, metabolism, etc.  Without this mechanism, life as we know it would be impossible.  Humans simply could not exist, nor could any higher-level form of life. 

The habitual nature of our thoughts is not due to our weak will power to change them or to a flaw in our personality.  It is due to the powerful forces of evolution as they take over routine activities freeing up our mind to focus on higher and higher levels of thought.  That is far from a weakness.  Our habitual thoughts and feelings are driven by a highly sophisticated, interlocking, self-supporting, natural physical cycle that connects neural networks in our brain directly to our cellular bio-chemistry.  And this cycle is 100% supported and maintained by ‘physical addiction’ –an addiction, in fact, to the most powerful drugs on the planet – the body’s own neurochemicals.

In the distant past, this system served mankind quite well.  However, today we face a world-wide addiction to cortisol, a natural hormone produced by the brain.  Cortisol is THE stress hormone, and it controls the ‘fight or flight’ response produced by threatening situations.  To the caveman, a threat from a sabre-tooth tiger initiated a hormonal cascade that prepared the body to fight the tiger or to flee from it.  This physiological response heightened certain physical abilities by re-directing blood flow away from vital areas to muscles and the heart and lungs.  It also directed internal energies away from immediate needs.  For example, immune system function decreased and digestion slowed.  These energies didn’t dissipate, but were redirected elsewhere in the body as blood pressure went up, breathing increased, blood sugar increased to provide fuel to muscles, and reflex responses accelerated, among many other changes.  The body generally prepared itself to fight or to flee.  The fight or the fleeing that was certain to follow reduced the cortisol in the body, thus helping the body return to a more normal function.

Things are different in today’s world.  We don’t fight tigers today.  But we do fight customers, spouses, bosses, parents, children, and the guy in the car next to us.  Of course, we don’t really fight them, but threats from them are treated just the same as if that tiger was about to eat you.  Your cortisol levels increase, and you physiologically prepare to fight or flee, whether or not you consciously realize it.  Unfortunately, in the board room, at the water cooler, or in our car, we can’t fight or flee, so our cortisol levels don’t return to normal very quickly.  Instead they stay elevated.  In time, our cells become addicted to the neurochemicals that cortisol controls, and when our cells do not get their chemical fix often enough, the brain initiates stressful thoughts and feelings and memories designed to produce more cortisol, locking us — all of us — into a permanent, chemically dependent state of stress. 

As a result, in our world, what was meant to be a short-term, one-time biological adjustment becomes chronic: our blood pressure stays elevated, our blood sugar levels stay elevated, our immune response stays chronically weakened, the blood flow to our brain stays diminished and it becomes difficult to concentrate, and our muscles feel tense and start to hurt (cortisol also controls inflammation).  High blood pressure (heart disease), elevated blood sugar levels (diabetes), lack of concentration, and joint pain – do any of these sound familiar.  These IS the world we live in.  It is brought on by stress.  Chronic stress.   When homeostasis, the desired physiological condition, becomes an unrealized state, we start to suffer mentally, emotionally, and physically.  Chronic stress affects our thoughts, emotions, and our bodies.  If you are into holistic medicine, then you realize that stress is THE Holistic Disease

And it, stress, controls the state of humanity at the present moment.  Unfortunately, this state of being, with its associated dependencies, thoughts, feelings, and memories creates the very reality around us through the action of the Creatrix.  A reality which many most of us want to change. 

It is very hard to break the stress cycle that is so prevalent in today’s world.  There is a lot working against us. 

Can we overcome this cycle?  Is it possible?  Yes.  Definitely. 

Is it worth it?  Absolutely. 

It really isn’t hard.  But it DOES take commitment, time, and effort.  This is NOT a ‘only 20 minutes a day and change your life forever’ online infomercial.  This isn’t a scam, and I am not selling snake oil.  There is no magic bullet here, nor do I believe in magic bullets.   This is, however, reality – the way things really work.  I’d love to tell you that ‘In only five minutes a day, you too can be a billionaire, marry a super-model, and have the body of a super-hero.”  I’d love to tell you that, but it isn’t true.   

However, what is true is that our life, our world, and our reality is totally within our control – completely.  The only thing stopping you from having everything you’ve ever dreamed of is simply the right knowledge.   We can divide this in to three areas:  1) how the Creatrix speaks to us, 2) how we communicate to it, and 3) how the mechanism of Inertia works in our lives.  Once we fully grasp the nuances of these things, it is just a matter of building a plan of action and executing it.  When we do this, when we make this commitment and put forth the effort, life stops being hard, and life…

… yes…  I’ll go so far as to say it…

life becomes magical

Creating a New Life

To create a magical life, a fairy-tale existence, there are several approaches we can take.  We can 1) learn ways to circumvent the stress response and the resultant hormonal cascade that rampages through our body, 2) employ methods and techniques to mitigate the Turbulence produced by the Creatrix, and 3) overwhelm the Creatrix with consciously directed thoughts and feelings superseding the subconsciously produced ones. 

Circumventing the Stress Response

Medical science and recent discoveries related to the both the human brain and heart have provided us technological ways to circumvent the stress response.  Most of these work to turn off the part of the brain that produces cortisol and activate the parts of the brain that produce serotonin and other needed bio-chemicals.  In addition to providing a needed rest from the chronic overproduction of cortisol, it also allows our body to start to produce new, healthier and happier internal chemical addictions.  Most importantly, it breaks the cycle of negative thoughts and emotions that confuse the Creatrix.  In short, it clarifies our intent and communication to the Universe, and produces more consistent, desirable events in our lives. 

Mitigating Turbulence

By further dissecting the Language of the Universe, we find simple techniques that we can employ throughout the day to mitigate the Turbulence from the Creatrix.  These techniques are, in essence, the other side of the coin.  While technologies can be used to break the stress cycle and eliminate negative thoughts and feelings, these techniques provide ways for us to maintain more positive thoughts and emotions throughout the day. 

Overwhelming the Creatrix

Simple modifications to our daily visualizations can also help us overwhelm the Creatrix through careful use of appropriate sub-modalities, emotional anchors, affirmations, and other techniques.  These techniques are really nothing more than learning to speak the Language of the Universe more powerfully. 

Each of these approaches – 1) Circumventing the Stress Response, 2) Mitigating Turbulence, and 3) Overwhelming the Creatrix – and their applied techniques will be presented in greater detail in future LOTUS series posts.

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Audio Version: LOTUS II – The Problem

You walk up to a bank teller.  The teller asks, “May I help you?’  You reply, “Money.”  The teller scrunches her eyebrows together and asks, “Money?’  You nod your head, and repeat, “Money.”

Now, what does the teller think?  Does she have any idea what you want?  She might think you want to steal money.  If someone comes up to a teller and say’s money, it does come across like that.  But you do nothing more than say the word, ‘money’, so she doesn’t really know.  You might want to borrow money, or to withdraw or deposit money.  You might even want to pay back money you borrowed from the bank.  In and of itself, this single word, this concept, this idea of ‘money’ gives the teller no idea of what you actually want. 

Now imagine that this isn’t just any teller.  This teller is THE Teller of the Creatrix, working for the Bank of the Universe, and this teller MUST provide you service.  She must give you exactly what you desire.  In fact, it’s the Law, and she can no more break that law than an apple can fall upward when it breaks free from the tree. 

So, in accordance with the Law and in order to determine what you want, the teller hands you a $20 bill… and then she wrestles you to the floor and tries to take money from your wallet… and then… to your amazement… she calmly gets up, grabs a loan application and hands it to you!  A little frustrated at this point, you remind yourself that she must, by Law, take action, because she must give you what you want.  Unfortunately, since she doesn’t know what you want, her actions can be quite Turbulent.  And that is exactly how the Universe responds to you when it is confused – with Turbulence. 

I know that many of you have heard the idea that thoughts become things, or something to this effect.  This idea, as controversial as it is, has a powerful basis in truth, but, unfortunately this particular statement is woefully incomplete.  There is more to it, and although most teachers point this out, I believe many people who embrace this idea completely miss the point.  So let me take a shot at it…

I ask you to imagine a beach full of people.  The sun is shining, people are sunbathing, some are in the ocean, some are having a picnic.  It is a beautiful day.  In your mind’s eye, you see people… you see places… you see things.  Hmmm…  You see people, places, and things.  Isn’t that the very definition of a Noun? Well, that’s how the universe sees your images – as nouns. 

Of course, these people are ‘doing something’ in your vision, and, therefore, your vision includes ‘verbs’.  But to the Universe, such actions are not relevant.  ‘Verbs’, to the Universe, are very relevant, but actions are not considered verbs by the Universe.  We’ll talk more about in a moment. 

Until then, let’s revisit the Teller of the Creatrix.  If money is a noun, and a verb is required to for a complete sentence, what can you do to clarify yourself?  Very simple.  Right?  Just add a verb.  Instead of saying “Money”, say “Withdraw money.”  Now the teller knows what you want.  Unfortunately, as just pointed out, the Universe does not recognize action verbs.  It would be like to trying to speak Popsicle to an Eskimo.  They might know what a Popsicle is but they certainly don’t speak it. 

The Language of the universe only considers one type of verb – to feel or, we might say, to emote.  We are here to experience the richness of life, and therefore, the only relevant ‘action’ the universe considers important are our feelings and emotions.  These are the verbs of the Universe, and these are the only verbs. 

Given this, it would be more logical to go to the Teller of the Creatrix and say, “I want to feel good about money.”  Hearing this, she will create events in your financial life that cause you to feel good.  It that’s simple.  On paper, anyway.  However, in practice, there are some serious complications. 

Enter Inertia. 

If you want to have more of something, it means that you have been entertaining thoughts and feelings that created the reality you live in – a reality where you are lacking the very thing you want more of.  Moreover, it is very likely that these thoughts and feelings that have created scarcity for you have become habitual.  When thoughts and feelings become habitual for long enough, a status quo is created that rarely changes.  The fabric of your reality becomes relatively smooth.  You may not like the texture, but the fabric becomes as smooth as a geometric plane. 

Given your dislike of your current situation, you ask the universe, using the most proper language that you can, using images and emotions, for more of the thing you don’t have enough of.  You do this for a total of twenty minutes, and then go about your merry way.  Unfortunately, your thoughts and feelings habitually revert back to the same thoughts and feelings that created the world you are trying to change to start with.  Said differently, inertia kicks in. 

In these situations, the Teller of the Creatrix becomes confused.  Hmmm… she thinks.  What does this person really want?  I am getting mixed signals.  I am required, by Law, to help them, so I will communicate back to them.  I will create events in their lives, many events related to the thing they want to change, and I will monitor their feelings about these events.  I will watch and whatever events elicit the most feelings, those are the events they must want, so I will give them more of those. 

You might want to read that last sentence a few more times.  I repeat it here just in case it didn’t really sink in: I will watch and whatever events elicit the most feelings, those are the events they must want, AND I WILL GIVE THEM MORE OF THOSE. 

This action on the part of the universe, resulting from its confusion, results in Turbulence in your life.  You communicate mixed signals to the universe, and it communicates back in terms of an increased number of events related to your desire in your life.  It produces wrinkles in your smooth financial reality.  And these events will be both good and bad, because the universe is trying to determine what you really want.  Creating various events is its way of asking you what you want. 

The universe’s purpose is to give you whatever emotional experience that you tell it you want – good or bad.  So… here is what happens to most practitioners of the Law of Attraction.  We will use money as the example here.  It works for anything however, from relationships, to spiritual growth, to athletic or academic success – you fill in the blank with whatever you want to change.

Lucy, a new practitioner of the Law of Attraction, wants to turn around her financial situation, which has eroded over the years into an unbearable amount of debt.  She has just lost her job, and her creditors are about to start carrying everything she owns away.  It’s time for a major change, and it’s time she got serious about this LOA stuff.

She begins to consciously create – twice a day in fact, morning and evening, and within a week, she receives a large check for $650 from her mortgage company for an overfunded escrow account.  She is elated, and wonders if this LOA thing just might really work.  Two days later her car won’t start, and she is shocked to discover that it will cost $1,200 to get it fixed.  She starts to worry about her finances and how she is going to pay for the repairs, and she wonders if maybe she is doing something wrong.  She doesn’t quite give up on her twice-a-day creating activity, however, because she tells herself it is just a matter of time… okay, well she hopes so anyway. 

The next week, her refrigerator stops running, and it costs her $800 to replace. 

Now she is really worried and very confused.  And she is frustrated and even a little angry.  This is exactly the opposite of what was supposed to happen!  She can’t believe that in only one week’s time, two unexpected, major expenses hit her, and she is out $2,000,and she really can’t believe it happened while she was TRYING TO CREATE MORE MONEY!  Intensely frustrated, she stops creating and the new financial events affecting her life slow down to a crawl.  The Turbulence in her life winds back down to a status quo.  Lucy finds a new job making exactly what she did before and continues to struggle financially, just as she always has. 

Has this happened to you?  I know from personal experience, as well as from talking to others, that this not only happens, but it is the most common initial result of applying the Law of Attraction.  Why is this?  What has happened here? 

Lucy clearly communicated to the Creatrix what she desired, but the moment she stopped with the ‘good’ feelings and thoughts, the old ones, the habitual ones, kicked back in, sending multiple mixed communications to the Universe.  The Creatrix, like the machine that it is, immediately sensed a change, a wrinkle if you will, in Lucy’s smooth, but financially challenged life.  The Creatrix knew that Lucy was trying to change something about her financial life, since she was spending so much time focusing on it.  But it was receiving mixed communications, and it had to, by Law, respond.  It had to communicate back. 

So the Creatrix began creating an abnormally large number of financial events in Lucy’s life, creating Turbulence in her previously smooth financial life.  And not knowing whether Lucy’s wanted to experience more pain in her financial life or more good feelings about it, the Creatrix created both, and (here is a very important point), it monitored her emotional reactions to see which she really wanted.  It wanted feedback.  It defined feedback as the amount of emotional energy, good or bad, that Lucy gave to the events in her life. 

And Lucy gave it the feedback she wanted; initially she gave it worry, fear and confusion, but soon that expanded into frustration and anger.  All of these emotions Lucy mentally ‘anchored’ to the idea of money.  So the universe began to give her more negative events than positive ones.  This would have continued, but ironically and fortunately, Lucy gave up trying to create a better financial life, and the events created by the Creatrix in her life slowed down to a more normal frequency.  In fact, her life settled back down to the way it had always been.  It slowed down to her previous vibratory rate, to her previous inertia, and there it settled into a smooth status quo. 

Can this result be avoided?  Can it be circumvented?  The answer is a resounding ‘yes.’  Armed with the knowledge of the Language of the Universe, certain protocols and practices can be implemented that are specifically designed to alleviate and mitigate the negative events related to Turbulence. 

That is the Topic of Part III.

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