
Posts Tagged ‘humanity’

Audio Version: Fear, Truth, and Spiritual Awakening

Never before in history has mankind faced a greater crisis than the one we face today.  I am not talking about famine, or war, or hunger, or disease.  I am talking about a spiritual crisis.  A crisis of identity, of understanding, of planetary emergence.  We, as a species, are in our teenage years.  We are not adults, nor are we wise beyond our years.  We are between childhood and adulthood, and there is no older, wiser grandparent guiding us along our path.  We are alone, and yet, at the very core of our being, we are one. 

And it is at this juncture, at this very realization coming at us from religion, from philosophy, and from science, that we realize this great truth – that we are one. 

We are one. 

Imagine that.

Or, as someone infinitely more talented than I once said…


So please do that…


Imagine a world of unity.  Imagine of world of one.  Imagine a world where all the resources are shared, because it makes no sense not to share.  Imagine bridges, not borders. 

Imagine a world without fear. 

And then you will have a world of Truth.

Not truth, but Truth with a capital “T”.

Fear is born of separation, and fear engenders control.  It is the primary mechanism of control.  It is, at its core, the means of the adolescent, of the young as they struggle for the wisdom of maturity.  Fear is not Truth.  Never was.  Never will be.  Those seeking control use truth, but they do not understand Truth.  And many even reject the idea, and thus embrace the way of the adolescent. 

Any set of ideas which is based on fear is not founded in Truth.  It is, from a spiritual perspective, not real.  Mankind has indoctrinated himself in the unreal.  Examine our institutions, our beliefs, and see which of them, at their core, are founded on fear. 

It is time for mankind to evaluate our institutions and our “-isms” – from religions, to governments, to monetary systems, to foreign policies, to diplomatic relations.  Humanity, all of Humanity – not just the currently dominant slice of the Western World – must transcend the fear-based dogma that holds back our evolution.  This is True not for just the general populace, but for corporate leaders, for government officials, for politicians, for military leaders, for the power elite as well as for those institutions promoting hatred and terrorism in the name of a greater good.  Hatred and terrorism, whether issued by covert resistance to imperialism or by the corporate and military interests of the dominant, are never great nor good. 

These institutions and those lurking behind them believe that fear can control and maintain a grip on humanity.  This belief is founded on the fundamental assumption that fear is eternal and mankind cannot rise above it.  This has, until now, proven true throughout history.  It is easy to assume that fear will continue its dominance over us.  Entire models of social control are based on this, and their predictive success is contingent upon it.  However, if this dominance ends, the entire fear-based control structure – corporate, government, religious, military, family – falls apart like a house of cards.  For it has never been fear that we needed, but rather peace.

For humanity to survive this crisis, we must understand that all institutions were built by us – we control them, they don’t control us.  We gave them their power, because, at their core, these institutions are comprised of people.  They are us.  The ultimate irony is that we, ourselves, created the institutions that control us with fear, and that we run these same institutions. 

The eventual collapse of fear through the force of evolution is not a maybe, but rather, a certainty.  Anyone, from the power elite of the world to the common man, anyone who hitches their wagon to a set of beliefs founded in fear will end up in a ditch – a ditch they never saw coming.  But those who abandon the shackles of fear, who rise above it, will save both themselves and mankind. 

It is time that humanity grows up and stops playing out its adolescent dramas on a world stage.  Imagine a world free of fear.  Imagine living as adults…

Together, in peace.

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